Travel & Outdoor Gear
Backpacks & Day Bags
Daypacks & Bookbags
Thule Accent Backpack 28L
Thule Accent Backpack 28L
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Item # 3204814
product description
The Thule Accent Backpack 28L is a robust travel backpack with a wide, U-shaped opening to easily pack and unload gear. You can protect your 15.6-inch PC, 15-inch MacBook®, or even your 10-inch tablet in dedicated pockets. Additionally, this pack allows you to safeguard a phone, sunglasses, or other valuables in the SafeZone compartment with a hidden pocket behind a removable hard-shell cup. Load this sucker up without sacrificing comfort due to the mesh-wrapped EVA shoulder straps.
product specs
- Access laptop and tablet through top loading compartment or side zipper
- Quickly access go-to items in top pocket
- Secure gear in spacious side-access storage using large mesh pocket to separate smaller items
- Keep small items safe and accessible with interior pockets
- Make travel easy by attaching bag to rolling luggage using the pass-through panel
- Easily store a water bottle in mesh side pocket and keep small belongings safe in adjacent side zippered pocket
- Material: 1680D polyester
- Laptop compartment dimensions: 15.2in x 10.4in x 1.2in
- Dimensions: 12.2in x 10.2in x 20.1in
- Weight: 2.51lb
- Volume: 28L