Travel & Outdoor Gear
Sleeping Bags & Pads
Sleeping Pads
Therm-A-Rest ProLite Apex Sleeping Pad - Regular
Therm-A-Rest ProLite Apex Sleeping Pad - Regular
$134.95 $93.9930% off
Item # 13256
product description
Forgo the intense lung workout and sleep well in the wild with the Therm-A-Rest ProLite Apex Sleeping Pad - Regular. The two-inch self-inflating foam features StrataCore construction, providing an impressive warmth-to-weight ratio and allowing for three-season adventuring. Thanks to the WingLock Valve, airflow is maximized with every puff during the inflation process. A stuff sack is also included to pack away the ProLite Apex into a small and convenient travel size.
product specs
- Dimensions: 72in x 20in x 2in
- Packed dimensions: 11in x 6.8in
- Materials: polyester and polyurethane
- Weight: 1lb 6oz
- Country of Origin: USA