Travel & Outdoor Gear
Sleeping Bags & Pads
Sea to Summit Coolmax Adaptor Liner w/ Insect Shield
Sea to Summit Coolmax Adaptor Liner w/ Insect Shield
$69.95 $34.9950% off
Item # 118
product description
Outsmart the buggy and muggy nights ahead with the Sea to Summit Coolmax Adaptor Liner w/ Insect Shield. This sleeping liner could be perceived as your cloak of invisibility to mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and flies, because of the awesome power of Insect Shield®. As the temperature rises and moisture in the air gets denser, enjoy the relief of Coolmax® which will help wick moisture away from your body. So, don't sweat the humidity or things that go buzzzz in the night when you're using this Adaptor Liner.
product specs
- Materials: Coolmax® and Insect Shield fabric
- Design: Mummy shaped with a footbox
- Machine washable and quick drying, comfy, stretchy fabric
- Wicks moisture away from your body, keeping you dry
- Dimensions: 3ft x 7ft/90cm x 210cm
- Weight: 8.7oz/248g
- Packaged in its own 3in x 5in Ultra-Sil® stuff sack
- Color: green