Travel & Outdoor Gear
Pet Gear
NiteIze NiteHowl Bandana Rechargeable LED Select Safety Necklace - Disc-O Select
NiteIze NiteHowl Bandana Rechargeable LED Select Safety Necklace - Disc-O Select
Item # NHOR-B1007S-R8
product description
Keep your dog in sight with the NiteIze NiteHowl Bandana Rechargeable LED Select Safety Necklace - Disc-O Select. This bandana and light band combo lights up the night when your pup needs to go out in the backyard or you're hanging out at the campsite. It lasts about five hours and can be recharged in under two with a micro USB cord. It slides right over your dog's existing collar and can be tied tight to handle any amount of running or rough playtime in the outdoors.
product specs
- Rechargeable Disc-O Select technology features three selectable colors of red, green, and blue, or color-changing Disc-O mode
- Disc-O mode features unique color-blending pattern
- Machine-washable slip-on bandana
- Bandana features fun, passive-reflective pattern
- Easily slides over your dog's neck as a bright addition to their existing collar
- 360° of illumination
- Weather-resistant
- Cut to fit from 12in - 27in (30.5cm - 68.6cm)
- Recharges in approximately 1.5 hours with micro USB cable (not included)
- Run time: 5.5 hours