Travel & Outdoor Gear
Binoculars & Spotting Scopes
Nikon Monarch M7 8x30 Binoculars
Nikon Monarch M7 8x30 Binoculars
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Item # 16763
product description
Get the view you've been craving with Nikon Monarch M7 8x30 Binoculars. You'll enjoy all the fine feathered details of a Kirtland's Warbler or thrill at a close-up view of the winning goal with these binoculars. The ergonomic design promotes a more comfortable grip. With multilayer-coated lenses and prisms, you'll see brighter images through the eyepieces. The lightweight body is made of a fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate resin that is strong enough for romping through the brush, forest, and field. Get in the action with Nikon Monarch.
product specs
- Magnification (x): 8
- Objective diameter(mm): 30
- Angular field of view (Real/degree): 8.3
- Angular field of view (Apparent/degree):60.7
- Field of view at 1,000m/yd. (m/ft): 145/435
- Exit pupil (mm): 3.8
- Relative brightness: 14.4
- Eye relief (mm): 15.1
- Close focusing distance (m/ft): 2.0/6.6
- Length (mm/in.): 119/4.7
- Width (mm/in.): 125/4.9
- Depth (mm/in.): 48/1.9
- Weight (g/oz.): 465/16.4
- Interpupillary distance adjustment (mm/in.): 56-72/2.2-2.8
- Type: Roof