Travel & Outdoor Gear
Water Bottles & Hydration
Nalgene Wide Mouth Sustain 32oz Water Bottle
Nalgene Wide Mouth Sustain 32oz Water Bottle
Item # 342037
product description
Stay hydrated wherever life takes you with the Nalgene Wide Mouth Sustain 32oz Water Bottle. Ideal for outdoor adventures, gym sessions, or your daily routine, this durable bottle is made from 50% recycled waste plastic to help reduce environmental impact. It's lightweight, leak-proof, and fits most filtration devices, making it easy to enjoy clean water on the go. The wide mouth allows you to add ice cubes for a refreshing drink, and it's dishwasher-safe for effortless cleaning. With its reliable build and eco-friendly design, this bottle is ready for anything.
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Made from 50% recycled waste plastic (using ISCC-certified mass balance), offsetting the use of fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
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Made from 50% recycled waste plastic (using ISCC-certified mass balance), offsetting the use of fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
product specs
- Material: Tritan Renew
- Lid Type: Wide Mouth
- Volume: 32oz
- Cap Diameter: 2.5in
- Diameter: 3.5in
- Weight: 6.25oz (177.25g)
- Height: 8.25in
- Country of Origin: USA
- Dishwasher-safe & BPA/BPS-free