Travel & Outdoor Gear
Camping Accessories
Campsite Accessories
Ignik Foot Warmers 4-Pack
Ignik Foot Warmers 4-Pack
Item # IGAIR-00422PR-04
product description
Keep your tootsies warm with the Ignik Foot Warmers 4-Pack. Each set is manufactured with high-quality, naturally active ingredients that are biodegradable over time. AirBarrier pouches keep more air out than other cheaper options for long-lasting warmth and comfort. The resealable top gives you control to use the warmers when you need them. Unused open warmers can be stored for up to 72 hours later. The reusable outer pouch is 100% recyclable, creating an efficient and less wasteful heating source for your feet.
product specs
- Naturally active ingredients
- Up to 8 hours of heat per warmer
- Resealable package
- Store unused open warmers up to 72 hours
- Activation: Shake warmer and wait 5-10 minutes
- 98% biodegradable
- Disposal: Cut the warmer sack and compost the natural chemicals inside