Travel & Outdoor Gear
Water Bottles & Hydration
Hydro Flask Standard Mouth Stainless Steel Flex Cap
Hydro Flask Standard Mouth Stainless Steel Flex Cap
$14.95 $6.9953% off
Item # SSSFX
product description
The Hydro Flask Standard Mouth Stainless Steel Flex Cap offers durability and convenience when paired with your trusty hydration bottle. The pro-grade stainless steel looks fresh and won't leech any unwanted flavors into your water or drink of choice. Your Hydro Flask bottle will be easy to carry with the flexible strap that your fingers wrap around comfortably. This handy bottle cap prevents leaking and is top-rack dishwasher safe, which anyone can appreciate. It's compatible with all Hydro Flask Standard Mouth bottles.
product specs
- 18/8 pro-grade stainless steel
- Insulated for maximum temperature retention
- BPA-free