Travel & Outdoor Gear
Camping Accessories
GSI Outdoors Bugaboo Ceramic Base Camper Camp Cookset - Small
GSI Outdoors
GSI Outdoors Bugaboo Ceramic Base Camper Camp Cookset - Small
Item # 44232
product description
Cook up campsite meals with ease using the GSI Outdoors Bugaboo Ceramic Base Camper Camp Cookset - Small. Designed for family use or solo camping, this set has everything necessary to whip up a feast in the wild. With two pots, a frypan, strainer lids, and a handy cutting board, meal prep is a breeze. The folding pot handle and stuff sack keep things organized, doubling as a sink for cleanup. From mountain trails to lakeside picnics, this compact set brings home-style cooking to the great outdoors.
product specs
- Size: Small
- Crush-proof, heat-resistant strainer lid
- Contents: 2L pot, 1.5L pot, 8in frypan, 2 nylon strainer lids, cutting board, folding handle, & stuff/sink sack
- Materials: Non-stick ceramic, nylon 6-6, silicone
- Measurement: 8.2in x 8.2in x 5.4in
- Weight: 2lbs 7oz