Travel & Outdoor Gear
Camping Accessories
Campsite Accessories
Goal Zero Nomad 50 Solar Panel
Goal Zero Nomad 50 Solar Panel
$249.95 $179.9928% off
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Item # 11920
product description
Built tough for mobile base camps and off-grid adventures, the Goal Zero Nomad 50 Solar Panel is ideal for longer trips when you need more power without sacrificing packability. The versatile four-panel design makes it easy to unfold and collect solar power while stationary, then quickly pack away in tight spaces in your vehicle while traveling. Pair with a Yeti Power Station to keep laptops charged, run portable fridges, and power essential electronics.
product specs
- Chainable: up to 150 Watts
- Weight: 6.85lbs | 3.1kg
- Dimensions (unfolded): 17in x 53in x 1.5in | 43.2cm x 134.6cm x 3.8cm
- Dimensions (folded): 17in x 11.25in x 2.5in | 43.2cm x 28.6cm x 6.4cm
- Cable length: 6ft
- Solar port (blue, 8mm, male): 14-21.5V, up to 3.3A (50W max)
- USB-A port: 5V, up to 2.4A (12W max)
- Rated power: 50W
- Open circuit voltage (Voc): 21.5V
- Maximum power point voltage (Vmpp): 18.0V
- Cell type: monocrystalline