Travel & Outdoor Gear
Camping Accessories
Hiking & Campsite Tools
Gear Aid Mini Heroclip

Gear Aid Mini Heroclip
Item # 570309
product description
The mighty Gear Aid Mini Heroclip allows you to hook and hang your gear where you need it. This handy little clip has a rubberized hook tip for hanging items securely and a wider clip gate than standard carabiners. The 360° rotation allows you to hang items from just about anywhere. This versatile gear clip can hang a gravity water filter from a tree branch, tools from ladders, or even a carry-on bag from a roller suitcase handle.
product specs
- Compact design
- Wide clip gate
- Hook with grippy rubber tip
- Size: mini
- Color: stealth black
- Hanging capacity: up to 40lbs
- Note: not suited for climbing