Travel & Outdoor Gear
Binoculars & Spotting Scopes
Celestron 1.25-inch Moon Filter
Celestron 1.25-inch Moon Filter
$11.95 $4.9958% off
Item # 94119-A
product description
Upgrade the view through your telescope with the Celestron 1.25-inch Moon Filter. Large celestial objects reflect a lot of light, which can produce glare or haze that reduces clarity and obstructs the view of details. Get the most out of night sky observation with the right equipment. Attach this filter to the telescope eyepiece to cut down on glare and enhance the view of the moon and bright planets in the night sky, or even bright sandy or snowy locations on Earth. The threaded rim screws onto most 1.25-inch eyepieces in just a few seconds.
product specs
- Reduce glare and increase contrast of the Moon with the Celestron 1.25" Moon Filter
- Also useful for extra bright planets as well as terrestrial viewing over sand or snow
- Threads onto most 1.25" eyepieces in seconds