Travel & Outdoor Gear
Camping Accessories
Campsite Accessories
Adventure Ready Camp Kitchen Clean-Up Kit
Adventure Ready Camp Kitchen Clean-Up Kit
Item # 0200-0500
product description
Make cleaning up after camp meals a breeze with the Adventure Ready Camp Kitchen Clean-Up Kit. This compact kit has everything you need for a hassle-free kitchen routine in the wild. From the Clean Capsule with soap flakes and towelettes to a sustainable coconut fiber scrubber and bamboo scraper, it covers all your cleaning bases. Plus, it includes a drying line, reusable towels, and waste bags to keep things tidy.
product specs
- Contents: Clean Capsule with soap flakes, compressed towelettes, sustainable coconut fiber scrubber, bamboo scraper, 6ft drying line, 2 reusable rayon towels, roll of pack-out waste bags
- Warning: May contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause potential harm. More information: www.P65Warnings.ca.gov