NEMO: Innovative Outdoor Gear
Posted by Whole Earth | 07.06.2018
NEMO: Innovative Outdoor Gear
Meet NEMO, New England Mountain Equipment, our newest camping gear brand. Our buyers believe that NEMO has created a series of products that Whole Earth customers will find useful when camping, backpacking or spending the day outdoors. NEMO was inspired by a particularly bad night spent on the side of Mount Washington in a poorly designed bivy. Cam Brensinger, then a student at the Rhode Island School of Design, knew he could do better. Three days after graduation, he founded NEMO. The name is a tribute to his New England heritage and to Jules Verne’s intrepid Captain Nemo.
NEMO is driven by the idea that the company will never bring anything to market that doesn’t offer a meaningfully better experience than what’s already available. Their design philosophy begins by questioning whether they should even make the product. They see no need to make a different version of something that’s already out there. Their goal is to create innovative, well-designed products that solve problems and answer specific needs, and to do so sustainably.
Creating gear that lasts longer and stays out of landfills is just one aspect of their approach to sustainability. Quality materials, durability and repairability can extend the life of your gear. NEMO warranties their products, but their first choice is repair for both environmental and sentimental reasons. You and your gear have made great memories together. Why not make more? NEMO’s dedication to sustainability is also reflected in their use of the Higg Index to evaluate and improve their environmental and social impact throughout the supply chain.
Here are a few of our favorites from NEMO.
NEMO Nomad Camping Mattress + Pump 30XL
This camping mattress feels like the next best thing to sleeping in your own bed. It has six inches of plush, comfy thickness and can be joined together with another Nomad for a queen size mattress camping experience. Not only is it comfortable, it’s also easy to inflate. The Nomad and the NEMO Cosmo Sleeping Pad have built-in foot pumps for quick and easy inflation, so there’s no need for huffing and puffing or carrying a battery-powered pump!
NEMO Disco Down Sleeping Bag –
Most people sleep on their side. Traditional mummy bags don’t have room for a sleeper to move comfortably from side to side within the bag. The Disco Down sleeping bag adds room at the elbows and knees to allow for shifting positions during the night. The bag also includes Thermo Gills, a way to release heat from a bag without letting in a draft. The Blanket Fold is another useful tool for temperature regulation. Tuck it inside the bag for extra warmth or leave it outside the bag for added circulation.
The Helio Pressure Shower delivers the water pressure you need to wash your hair, do the dishes, rinse off gear or muddy feet and paws. You pressurize the 2.9 gallon tank with a foot pump, and then, with occasional pumps, keep it fully pressurized for 5 to 7 minutes of continuous spray. Set the tank in the sun for a gradual warm up or fill with it hot water. The tank sits securely on the ground, and the 7 foot hose is long enough for overhead showering.
These are just a few of the NEMO products you’ll now find at Whole Earth. NEMO’s innovative gear may be just what you’re looking for to solve some of your outdoor and camping conundrums.